Discount / Coupon Codes (PGA Jr. League)

Coaches can create and distribute Discount / Coupon Codes for their Program Registration

Gary Wong avatar
Written by Gary Wong
Updated over a week ago

This article reviews how Coaches can create and distribute Discount / Coupon Codes to players.

Direct Deposit (Stripe)

In order to create a Discount Code, Coaches must first have set up a Direct Deposit (Stripe) account. The reason being that a Direct Deposit (Stripe) Account is required for Coaches to receive registration fees online. If a Coach has not setup a Direct Deposit Account, players will only pay the GameChanger Club Membership Online, and all Coaching Fees must be collected offline outside of the website.

Discount Codes:

To create a Discount Code, locate the applicable Program in your Dashboard. Upon clicking into your Program, select the tab labeled "Discount Codes" toward the top of your page.

From your Discount Code portal, click "Add Discount" and complete the required information. As a Coach, you can set a limit on the number of redemptions for a given Discount Code, and set an expiration date as well.

As a Coach, you can distribute your code (s) to consumers, and consumers will input this code at checkout of their online player registration.

Please note: Discount codes created by the PGA Coach of a program will only discount the Coaching Fee portion of registration. Consumers will still pay the full $99 GameChanger Club Membership (if it is their first registration of the year).

Still need help? See below for a brief video tutorial:


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