Setting Your Availability

Learn how to create your weekly availability; Including best practices.

Seth McGuinness avatar
Written by Seth McGuinness
Updated over a week ago

Set availability for each day

Each day of the week can have its own unique availability. Some days can have no time, or "unavailable", while others can have larger blocks of time. You can also set multiple available blocks for each day.

To edit a day's availability you can click edit next to any day you would like to set a block of time which you are available. To add additional more times you can continue to click the + icon.

Quickly copy availability to other days

If you need to apply the same schedule to other days of the week you can do so by using the Apply To Other Days setting. This will allow you to choose what days to apply the same time slots to.

When using this method to copy to other days, it will overwrite any existing available time slots that were previously set.

Best Practices

Choose time slots that are generally available each week

Before starting, try to understand your schedule that is generally open which you would be willing to take Intro Meetings. This makes it easier to not have to edit your schedule frequently.

Use Blocked Times to remove one-off availability

Blocked Times is the way to take time off your calendar on specific dates and times. We suggest a weekly review of your schedule and to create the blocked times to start the week. Then, if something comes up, you can easily log in and create a new blocked time to remove the availability.

Blocked Times can be created for certain times during a single day or they can be used to block availability for an entire day.

Blocking time on the PGA Coach Mobile App

Simply head over to the "More" menu and click on "Settings" > "Calendar" and "Blocked dates and times". Select the '+' at the top right of the screen and enter your blocked time details. Once you're done, click 'Create' and you'll be taken back to your list of blocked times.

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