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2025 All-Star Play Day Handbook

Review the 2025 All-Star Play Day Handbook

Hayley Wilson avatar
Written by Hayley Wilson
Updated over 3 weeks ago

To download the 2025 All-Star Play Day PDF booklet, click the button below (link coming soon).




  • Any registered PGA Coach can host or participate in an All-Star Play Day.

  • Host PGA Coaches may determine certain details such as entry fees, number of teams and other items mentioned below.

  • Host PGA Coaches must adhere to specific competitive requirements mentioned below in order for their All-Star Play Day to be eligible to count toward the All-Star Regional Leaderboard.

  • All-Star Play Days must be held between May 1-August 20, 2025, in order to be eligible for the Regional Leaderboard.

  • There must be a minimum of two teams at each Play Day, with different PGA Coaches from different facilities. This is in place for score verification and attestation purposes.

  • All PGA Section events that are stroke play competitions, such as a Qualifier or Championship, MUST count as an official All-Star Play Day and will contribute to an All-Star team’s Regional Leaderboard ranking, so long as it meets all competitive requirements. Note: If a Section hosts a stroke play event that is not a qualifier for a Regional Championship (ie: a Celebration event), it does not need to count as an All-Star Play Day.


Before registering a facility as an All-Star Play Day host, PGA Coaches should determine the following:

  • Registration open date

  • Registration close date

  • Date/approximate time of Play Day

  • Maximum number of teams able to participate

  • Number of holes

  • Fee per player (to be collected offline)

Once all of the above details are confirmed, complete the step-by-step registration process through your Coach Dashboard. Please note that all entry fees must be collected offline between yourself and your participating PGA Coaches.


Upon registering to host an All-Star Play Day, PGA Coaches must verify that the following competitive requirements will be met.

Number of Holes:

  • The competition must be at least 9 holes.

  • If an All-Star Play Day is 18 holes or more, each 9 is considered a separate competition. This is true even if the 18 holes are played consecutively.

  • All-Star Play Days may be hosted over multiple days (ie: 36 holes in 2 days), but each 9 is still its own separate competition.

Playing Format:

  • 8-person teams broken into 4 two-person scramble pairs.

Scoring Format:

  • Aggregate stroke play.

  • Top three of four two-person pair scores counted.

  • Tiebreakers:

    • No specific tiebreaker requirements will be provided for determining a “winner” of an All-Star Play Day due to the Regional Leaderboard. If a Host PGA Coach is providing additional prizes for the competition and determining winners, it is recommended that they utilize the All-Star Season tiebreaker procedure.


The host golf course may not manipulate the original par from the scorecard. If extenuating circumstances exist (ie: course damage, forced carries, etc.), the Host PGA Coach may only choose to reduce the overall total par (ie: from a 36 to a 35).


  • For a course that is Par 35:

    • Girls 10 -11: 2,100 -2,300

    • Boys 10 -11/Girls 12-13: 2,350 -2,550

    • Boys 12-13 /Girls 14+: 2,600 -2,800

    • Boys 14+: 2,800 -3,000

  • For a course that is Par 36:

    • Girls 10 -11: 2,300 -2,600

    • Boys 10 -11/Girls 12-13: 2,550 -2,850

    • Boys 12-13 /Girls 14+: 2,800 - 3,100

    • Boys 14+: 3,200 - 3,500

  • For a course that is Par 37:

    • Girls 10 -11: 2,600 -2,800

    • Boys 10 -11/Girls 12-13: 2,850 - 3,050

    • Boys 12-13 /Girls 14+: 3,100-3,300

    • Boys 14+: 3,400 - 3,600

Note: When setting the tee markers (circle, pentagon, square and triangle), separate tee markers should be utilized when possible. However, it is not a requirement to have four different tee boxes as long as the yardage parameters are met.

Rules of Play:

  • PGA Jr. League Conditions of Play and the All-Star Play Day Rules Addendum will govern all play in accordance with the USGA Rules of Golf.

  • Rules discrepancies may be brought to the PGA Jr. League Competitions Committee.

    • A Competitions Committee member will be available in each region to be on-call during all All-Star Play Days.


In order for all scores to be added to the Regional Leaderboard, Host PGA Coaches must upload all team scores into the PGA Jr. League scoring system upon completion of their All-Star Play Day. Scores must be submitted no later than 11:59pm (local time) on the day following the event in order to be eligible for the Regional Leaderboard. For example, if an All-Star Play Day is hosted at 9:00am on Tuesday, July 9, then those scores must be posted by 11:59pm on July 10. Host PGA Coaches must also confirm that all competitive requirements were met and all scores have been attested.



All-Star players want more time with their PGA Coach and more value from the All-Star experience, and there are great new opportunities presented through the PGA Jr. League All-Star Season pathways. You can create a tremendous amount of value by both hosting and participating in All-Star Play Days.


  • Any registered PGA Coach can host or participate in an All-Star Play Day.

  • Host PGA Coaches and Participating Coaches must adhere to specific competitive requirements mentioned below in order for their All-Star Play Day score to be eligible to count toward the All-Star Regional Leaderboard.

  • All PGA Section events that are stroke play competitions, such as a Qualifier or Championship, MUST count as an official All-Star Play Day and will contribute to an All-Star team’s Regional Leaderboard ranking, so long as it meets all competitive requirements. Note: If a Section hosts a stroke play event that is not a qualifier for a Regional Championship (ie: a Celebration event), it does not need to count as an All-Star Play Day.

  • Teams may participate in All-Star Play Days located in any one of the twelve Regions and their scores will be eligible for their Region’s leaderboard.

  • If an All-Star team participates in 3 or more All-Star Play Days (or 2 Play Days and a Section event), they will be eligible for potential advancement to a Regional competition.

    • Teams that have played in more than 3 All-Star Play Days will automatically have their best 3 team totals calculated and on the leaderboard.

  • The top four 13u and top four 17u All-Star teams on the Regional Leaderboard will receive an invitation to a Regional competition.

  • Note: All-Star Play Days must meet specific competitive requirements in order to be eligible toward the Regional Leaderboard. If an All-Star Team participates in a Play Day that does not meet all of these requirements, they are not disqualified from All-Star Season participation, however, their scores from that particular Play Day and their participation will not count.


All-Star Play Days that are available within each All-Star region will be visible by each All-Star PGA Coach via their All-Star Season Program page. All-Star PGA Coaches will have the opportunity to add All-Star Play Days to their All-Star Season schedule and share with their players. Participating Coaches can view details about each All-Star Play Day such as: registration open/close dates, time/date/location of Play Day, maximum number of teams, number of holes, entry fees and any other information the Host PGA Coach has shared. Please note that all entry fees must be collected offline between yourself and your Host PGA Coach.


Participating All-Star teams must meet all eligibility requirements related to the PGA Jr. League All-Star Season. This includes:

All-Star Rosters: PGA coaches must submit All-Star rosters either by the deadline put in place by their Section or prior to participation in their first All-Star Play Day.

Roster Changes: Roster changes may be made throughout the All-Star Play Days and Sectionals by Coaches via their Coach Dashboard. Players who have been removed from the roster during this time will be eligible to return to the roster, if applicable. PGA Coaches must also adhere to any specific roster deadlines put in place by their PGA Section.

Permanent Roster Replacements: Beginning with Regional Championships, if an All-Star player is no longer able to participate in the All-Star Season, they may be permanently replaced by a new, eligible player. The All-Star PGA Coach must submit a request via the Coach Dashboard as well as the permanent roster replacement form where they will sign off on the new player’s participation and eligibility. Upon receipt of this form, the replacement player is considered a part of the team’s All-Star roster. Permanent roster replacements must be completed prior to the first starting time of the Regional or National Championship, unless noted differently in a specific addendum for the competition. Once a player has been permanently replaced, he/she is not eligible to return to the team. Additionally, permanently replaced players are not eligible to join another All-Star team that he/she may be associated with. In each case, All-Star team composition and eligibility requirements still apply

Player Eligibility:

  • 13u All-Star players must be no younger than 10 years of age and no older than 13 years of age as of July 31, 2025.

  • 17u All-Star players must be no younger than 14 years of age and no older than 17 years of age as of July 31, 2025.

  • Players must meet all eligibility requirements from the PGA Jr. League Conditions of Play.

Coach Eligibility: All Coaches must be active PGA Jr. League participants, which includes completion of the APS training and required background screening.



  • There are twelve 13u Regional Leaderboards and twelve 17u Regional Leaderboards that will display team scores from eligible All-Star Play Days.

  • All-Star Play Days must meet specific competitive requirements in order to be eligible toward the Regional Leaderboard.

  • Teams may participate in All-Star Play Days located in any one of the twelve Regions and their scores will be eligible for their Region’s leaderboard.

  • All-Star Play Days must be held between May 1-August 20, 2025, in order to be eligible for the Regional Leaderboard.

  • Scores will be shown as “total to par” (E.g. Region 6 – Team Axis – -15 – Thru 2 Play Days).

  • If an All-Star team participates in 3 or more All-Star Play Days (or 2 Play Days and a Section event), they will be eligible for possible advancement to a Regional.

    • Teams that have played in more than 3 All-Star Play Days will automatically have their best 3 team totals calculated and on the leaderboard.

  • The top four 13u and top four 17u All-Star teams, as of August 22, 2025, on the Regional Leaderboard will receive an invitation to a Regional competition.


If a tie exists for one or more spots in the top 4 for 13u and/or 17u, the following tiebreakers will be implemented:

  • The team with the lowest total aggregate score using all four pair scores, for their original top 3 Play Days, will advance on to the Regional.

    • Note: If a team does not have a fourth pair score to count, the next eligible team will advance. If no team in the tiebreaker has a fourth pair score to count, the next tiebreaker will be utilized.

  • If still tied, the team with the best single pair score, for their original top 3 Play Days, will advance on to the Regional.

    • If still tied, this process will continue with the second best single pair score for their original top 3 Play Days, then third, and so on.


  • Looking at the above Leaderboard, there is a tie between the Arizona Apples and Littleton Lions for the final advancement spot.

  • The team with the lowest total aggregate score using all four pair scores for their original top 3 Play Days will advance on to the Regional. This process is shown below, with the Littleton Lions advancing on

First Tiebreaker for 4th place spot

  • After calculating the total aggregate scores using all four pair scores, the teams are still tied with a total of +7.

  • The second tiebreaker is then utilized and the team with the best single pair score for their original top 3 Play Days, will advance on to the Regional. This process is shown on the following page, with the Littleton Lions advancing on.

Second Tiebreaker for 4th place spot




Region 1

Connecticut, Metropolitan, New England

Region 2

Central New York, Northeastern New York, Tri-State, Western New York

Region 3

Middle Atlantic, New Jersey, Philadelphia

Region 4

Kentucky, Michigan, Northern Ohio, Southern Ohio

Region 5

Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin

Region 6

Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee

Region 7

Alabama-Northwest Florida, Gulf States, North Florida, South Florida

Region 8

Gateway, Iowa, South Central

Region 9

Midwest, Nebraska

Region 10

Colorado, Northern Texas, Sun Country, Southern Texas

Region 11

Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Utah

Region 12

Aloha, Northern California, Southern California, Southwest

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